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compostable diaper service in Washington State

our service

Diaper Stork will deliver plant-based disposable diapers and baby wipes every 2 weeks and pick up your dirty diapers in the special plastic bags delivered with your diapers. We will compost the dirty diapers in a Washington State facility. This is a temporary service funded by a 2023 Re+ King County Solid Waste Division Grant.

why we compost

Diapers fill up about 3% of landfill space - that’s a lot of diapers! And they will stick around for around 500 years. By expanding composting options, we can reduce the amount of diapers going to landfills and make a better, sustainable world for our children. Composting is low-energy, relatively fast and safe, and results in compost that you can mix with your soil around trees and bushes. We have partnered with Engineering Composting Services who will support the composting in a Washington State facility. Learn more about our compost pilot service here.

products used in our service

The diapers we have selected are non-toxic plant-based diapers that are built for performance + comfort. We chose these diapers because of their biodegradable content and like-minded company values based on transparency and aspiration for a healthier planet. Learn more about our selection of products here. Since there are currently NO commercial diapers available that are 100% compostable, a small portion of the diaper content would be removed as waste. We are using biodegradable baby wipes and bags as part of our service.

how it works

  • We will deliver a diaper pail and first set of diapers 1–2 weeks before your due date, or 12 weeks after you place your order if baby is already born.
  • When baby is born (or when you start using the diapers), you will email us to initiate service.
  • You put dirty diapers and wipes directly in the bio bags and hold for 2 weeks.
  • On your delivery day, take the bags of dirties and place outside in the designated location by 8 am. Don't worry, we will send you email and text reminders!
  • Our driver will swing by and bring you new packs of diapers and wipes and pick up your dirties.

signing up for service

When you sign up, you'll pay for the first 4 weeks of service and a one-time setup fee. Your first 4 weeks won't start until we pick up the first batch of dirties, and we begin weekly deliveries to your house. Your service will automatically continue until you cancel. Feel free to sign up as far in advance as you'd like, but we ask that you give us at least 2 weeks so that we have adequate time to prepare your order. Please make sure you are within our service area.

Sign Up

Email us if you currently receive government subsidies (SNAP, WIC,etc.) to receive grant-assisted discounted service.

Interested in trying cloth diapers? We also have a combo cloth + disposable service. Learn more.